
TED・YouTube・書籍から学んだこと + Diary in English

My Top-5 Talents assessed by CliftonStrengths®



I took the CliftonStrengths® assessment introduced in the YouTube embedded above. The assessment report I got mentions top-5 of my talents are Learner, Maximiser, Intellection, Deliberative, and Harmony. As a result, my leadership strength was identified as Strategic thinking. 

I like the idea of converting talents to strengths to make a stronger team. In this diary, I would like to log my thoughts about my identified top-5 talents so that I can consider how my talents can be converted to stengths.




My assessment report states that "I am thirsty for knowledge. I thoroughly enjoy opportunities to acquire additional information, skills and experiences. By nature I am motivated to continually acquire knowledge and skills, and I don't accept maintaining an intellectual status quo. My investigative mind is restless until I collect lots of information about factors that produce outcomes."

This statement describes about me very well! I really enjoy learning and acquiring new skills, and I love sharing what I've learnt with people. At work, I enjoy editing new articles about my learning on my company's Intranet. In my private time, I also enjoy writing this blog to share my soft-skills learning. If I hear that my sharing makes other people learning effectively, I would be thrilled!

To convert my Learner talent to strength, I believe I should become an early adopter of new technology and skills that could enhance my team's strengths. To do so, I should continuously learn and share cutting-edge developments to my team.




My assessment report states that "I focus on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence. I seek to transform something strong into something superb."

The statement hits my heart! The vocaburary Maximiser is indeed what I have been looking for to explain about myself. Honestly, I enjoy learning about person's strengths and consider how the strengths can be integrated for my team's benefit. I am not saying weaknesses can be ignored. Needless to say, strengthening weaknesses is an important element for making success. However, I also believe that focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses leads to better team atmosphere. It's just my character that I prefer this way. 

To convert my Maximiser talent to strength, I believe I should stay focused on helping others recognize their strengths as well.




My assessment report states that "I love think, muse and reflect. My powerful mental processing and intellectual activity empower me to clarify and explain. For that reason, I hunger for new information to expand my knowledge base. I accumulate many insights from books, publications, or Internet sites. I have been known to read a 200-page volume in the course of one evening, morning, or afternoon."

To me, this statement seems to match very well with my Learner talent. I don't know if I would be able to read 200 pages within one evening, morning, or afternoon, but at least I agree I am an enthusiastic learner.

To maximise my Intellection talent, I also would like to be able to reflect - I mean I also would like to be able to accept and learn from mistakes as well. I am aware reflection is also an essential soft skill.




My assessment report states that "I am best described by the serious care I take in making decisions or choices. I anticipate obstacles. I am thorough and conscientious. Through my natural anticipation and careful thought process, I know how to reduce risks and prevent problems from arising".

As I live in an engineering planet, I find this talent very useful. I realise I am a careful person at work, and the report made me sure of that. I believe my Deliberative talent contributes very well for my team when they perform engineering design review. I am delighted I am capable of doing this.

To maximise my Deliberative talent, I want to stop and listen to my team and boss before making action. I should take on opportunities to handle delicate issues and conflicts.




My assessment report states that "I look for consensus. I don't enjoy conflict; rather, I seek areas of agreement. I am naturally practical and prefer emotional balance. I can prevent arguments before they start by helping others find common ground and a resolution".

Yes, the statement explains my character very well. When conflicts arise within my team, I like to search for common ground.

To maximise my Harmony talent, I want to show each person of my team respect by valuing their input and helping them be heard. I especially want to encourage quiet voices to be heard.


My Overall Thoughts

This is just a beginning. To continue developing my talents and serving for my team, I am eager to learn more from GALLUP site (Japanese language is also available).



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