
TED・YouTube・書籍から学んだこと + Diary in English

Can NLP be used for improving English?



The NLP that I am writing about in this diary refers to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (神経言語プログラミング), not Natural Language Processing (自然言語処理) used for AI programming. 

As you may have noticed in my blog articles, I am interested in learning communication techniques. Naturally, NLP is one of my interests as well.

Moreover, I also would like to improve my English.

I've always been eager to improve my English communication skills.


With this in my mind, I'd like to raise a question.

Can NLP be used for improving English communication skills?

I feel certain that the answer would be yes, and because I wanted to hear the reasons for the answer, I asked the question to ChatGPT.

Here is the outcome:


Q. Please recommend some NLP techniques similar to the Fogging Technique.

The Fogging Technique is a communication technique used in psychotherapy and counseling, which involves agreeing with any criticism or negative feedback received without becoming defensive or argumentative. This technique can be adapted and applied in various settings, including NLP (Natural Language Processing). Here are some other NLP techniques that are similar to the Fogging Technique:

  1. Reframing: This technique involves changing the way a negative statement is expressed to make it more positive or neutral. For example, if someone says, "I always mess up," a reframing response could be, "You're saying you've had some difficulties, but you've also had successes in the past, right?"

  2. Active Listening: This technique involves fully concentrating on what the other person is saying, without interrupting or judging, and then paraphrasing back what was said to confirm understanding. This helps to build rapport and trust between the parties involved.

  3. Nonviolent Communication: This technique involves expressing feelings and needs without blaming or judging others. For example, instead of saying, "You never listen to me," one could say, "I feel frustrated when I don't feel heard. Can we find a time to talk when we're both more focused?"

  4. Reflective Listening: This technique involves restating what someone has said in order to help them clarify their own thoughts and feelings. For example, "So what I hear you saying is that you're feeling overwhelmed by all of the responsibilities you have right now. Is that right?"

  5. Empathetic Listening: This technique involves listening with the intention of understanding and feeling what the other person is experiencing. It requires tuning into nonverbal cues, such as tone of voice and body language, as well as the words being spoken. For example, "It sounds like you're feeling really hurt by what happened. That must be really tough."

These NLP techniques can be used to improve communication and build stronger relationships by helping individuals to be more open and receptive to feedback and to express themselves in a more positive and constructive way.

Q. I am interested in the Reframing technique. Tell me more examples.

Reframing is a powerful communication technique that involves changing the perspective of a statement or situation to create a more positive or constructive outlook. Here are some examples of reframing:

  1. Negative statement: "I'm always so busy, I never have time for myself."
    Reframe: "I'm a productive person who likes to stay busy. I can make sure to schedule some time for myself in my calendar."

  2. Negative statement: "I'm terrible at public speaking. I always freeze up and forget what I want to say."
    Reframe: "I may get nervous before speaking, but I have valuable insights to share. With practice and preparation, I can deliver an effective presentation."

  3. Negative statement: "I'll never be able to afford that vacation I've been dreaming of."
    Reframe: "I'm currently working towards saving money for my dream vacation. With a realistic budget and planning, I can make it happen in the future."

  4. Negative statement: "I hate exercising. It's so boring and tiring."
    Reframe: "I may not enjoy exercising at the moment, but I know it's important for my health and wellbeing. I can explore different types of physical activity until I find something that I enjoy."

  5. Negative statement: "I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake at work. I'm such an idiot."
    Reframe: "Mistakes happen to everyone, and it's an opportunity to learn and grow. I can take ownership of my mistake and come up with a plan to avoid it in the future."

Reframing helps to shift the focus from negative self-talk or situations to more positive and empowering thoughts
which can lead to increased confidence and motivation. By reframing negative statements, individuals can gain a new perspective, see new opportunities, and create more productive solutions.


Q. NLPを上達させる練習方法はありますか?


  1. 自分自身の言葉を注意深く聞く

  2. 他人の言葉に注意を払う

  3. ポジティブなアファーメーションを練習する

  4. メタモデルを練習する

  5. NLPのテクニックを実践する


Q. ありがとう。上記の4番についてもっと知りたい。メタモデルって何ですか?




  1. 「いつもそうだ」という一般化された発言に対して、「いつ?いつに限ってそうなの?」という質問をすることで、より具体的な情報を引き出すことができます。

  2. 「何もわからない」という削減された発言に対して、「何がわからないのですか?」という質問をすることで、より具体的な情報を引き出すことができます。

  3. 「私は完璧主義者だ」という歪曲された発言に対して、「完璧主義者とはどのような人ですか?」という質問をすることで、歪曲された表現を修正することができます。


Q. NLPを使って英語力を向上させたいのですが、学ぶべきスキルはありますか?


  1. アクティブリスニング

  2. 質問技術

  3. メタモデル

  4. フレーミング

  5. モデリング



Q. ありがとう。上記の2番の質問技術に興味があります。質問技術には具体的にどんなものがありますか?




  1. オープン質問

  2. クローズド質問

  3. プローブ質問

  4. 反射的質問



After chatting with ChatGPT, I realised that NLP is actually more than learning English.

Even in my native language, it wouldn't be simple for me to apply NLP.


What I can also realise is that NLP would be a good entry point for improving my English.

I wouldn't be able apply NLP skills such as active listening and questioning techniques very well if my English skills remain poor.

From this point of view, the chat mentioned above made me motivated to learn and practise NLP in order to improve my English.


Thanks ChatGPT. You inspired me! 😀



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