
TED・YouTube・書籍から学んだこと + Diary in English

Tadataka Ino (伊能忠敬、1745~1818)



Today, let me write about what I should learn from Tadataka Ino (伊能忠敬、1745~1818).

In Japan, kids learn about him in school as a father of mapmaking of Japan.

He is well known by Japanese people.


For your reference, let me introduce a few articles that describe his achivement.


What touches people's heart is his enormous effort after he retired at the age of 50.

With his wealth, he could have relaxed after retirement; however, he instead started a new challenge. 

He became an apprentice of Yoshitoki Takahashi (who was 19 years younger than Ino) to learn survey techniques.

Then Ino walked all around Japan and surveyed for about 17 years.

Ino passed away at the age of 73 and couldn't complete the mapmaking, but Ino's pupils took over the work and completed.


With my limited vocaburary bank, I find difficult to explain how much I am touched with his achievement.

But what I can at least say is, his successful story makes me so motivated.

Ino started a new learning after he retired at age 50.

Nothing is late to start!

And keeping on motivation is possible regardless of age!

So keep on passion! And keep on healthy!













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